Kamis, 17 April 2008

Brazilian Cheese Bread

Untuk roti yang satu ini, kalau saya bilang sih seperti Cimol atau empek2 cuma dipanggang.
Makannya harus hangat, kalau sudah dingin...hati2 ajah yg pake gigi palsu.
Bisa lompat tuh gigi...atosss banget...

1.Brazilian cheesebread

1 cup milk

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1 tsp salt

2 cups tapioca flour

2-3 eggs (I had a cracking accident and used 2 eggs, 1 yolk and some white)

2 cups Parmesan cheese, grated

2.Brazilian cheesebread - another variation

Approximately 30 units

140g tapioca flour ( tapioca starch)

300g cooked and mashed potato

100g grated parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon butter ( approx 15g)

1 egg

1 Preheat oven to 350F.
2 In a medium-large sized pot bring milk, water, oil, and salt to a low boil.

Remove from heat once boiling.
3 Add in tapioca flour, stirring as fast as possible. Use a wooden spoon, not a whisk,

as the dough will become very sticky. Let cool for about 10 minutes.
4 Move dough to a large bowl and knead in eggs.
5 When eggs are kneaded in, add grated cheese and knead until dough is smooth.

Note: If your cheese is coarsely grated, it will appear a bit lumpy.
6 Once kneaded, form into balls about 2 inches wide and place on parchment paper

coated (or greased) baking sheet. Note: you may want grease your hands with

vegetable oil before trying to form dough balls.
7 Bake for about 25 minutes or until rolls are golden brown.
8 Serve warm! If you let them sit too long, reheat in the oven/toaster

oven, the microwave will make them too gooey.

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